Through the years we have seen in schools and universities the different tools that teachers use to teach and provide knowledge to their students. Flipchart is one of them, although it may looks old, it has been very helpful in classrooms because it is used in many different ways where students have learned.

A flipchart is an object similar to a notebook, but much larger. It contains a set of sheets of paper where people, especially teachers, place important information about what they want to show or teach to their students. Those sheets of paper are joined with a ring at the top of the pages.

As we mention before it has many usages, not only in schools or universities, but also in jobs.
This helps you to:

· Interact with your audience at the time of expressing new ideas.
· To provide better explanations to your students so they can understand with clarity.
· To tell a story

Flipcharts allow you to work spontaneously. You can write on it whatever you want to transmit to your classroom, but there are some recommendations when using it:

· In the first sheet write the title you will develop with an illustration.

· Use drawings because in this way students find this attractive and they have a better understanding of the topic.
· Put only key words or the most significant things of the topic.
· Use colored markers (pink, purple, green, yellow, etc.) only to highlight or underline titles.
· The size of the letter must be legible and visible in every part of the room.
· Don’t write too much information in the sheets because they can get bored.

                                  Top Tips for using a Flip Chart

Flipcharts is one of the best tools and it has many advantages:

1. Flip charts do not need electricity – You don’t need to worry if the bulb will burn out or worry that you forgot the extension chord.
2. Flip charts are economical – They do not require you to use any special films or printers to produce them
3. Colour can be added very easily – An inexpensive box of flip chart markers allows you all the creativity you want.
4. Flip charts allow spontaneity – Any last minute changes can be easily made.

There are few disadvantages that in our consideration are not relevant to avoid using this tool.

1. May require the use of graphics talent
2. Are not suitable for use in a large audience setting
3. May be difficult to transport

After all what has been written here now you may want to use the flipcharts, it could maybe become your favorite tool for teaching if you just try.
Keep in mind that it was famous in the old school and it helped alot in the teaching of topics for our first knowledges. The technology wave could maybe be the responsable that the Flipchart is not being using as much as before but it will never replace it because when there are not devices or economical resources, here is where this tool will save your life.

Some references; LTCONSULTING

                             MUNDI SALM


  1. I cannot agree more with you when you said that filpcharts is a very old teaching tool because reading on internet about this topic, I have found that in the book written by Jeffrey Gitomer called The Patterson Principles of Selling,page 53 there is a photograph from 1912 of Mr. Patterson, who ran the National Cash Register Company and also pioneered sales training, addressing the 100 Point Club while standing next to a pair of flip charts on casters. This is why this man is said to be the creator of this tool. It is amazing how flipcharts are still being used even though technology has advanced so much.

    1. Thank you for the extra information Beraida, When we say that it is a very old teaching tool, is taking into consideration the great amount of new tools that were invented after that and the distance on time among them that it represents.

  2. After I having seen the videos posted on your blog I think you should have put a video where you explain how to make flipchart but your blog contains good information about the importance of using flipchart in the classroom

    1. Thank you so much, we will consider to provide an explanation about how to create it.

  3. Hello Analissa and Josie. We would like to mention that Flipcharts, although being old, are still very important and useful in the language classroom. They allow teachers to show creativity and are a great tool for schools that have no technological resources. They are simple and quite easy to make.
    Flipcharts are a great way to show vocabulary and grammar to students. If used correctly, Flipcharts can make a class successful.

    1. Hello Melissa, your commentary is very acurrate, using this tool, will be easier for learners to get knowledges of any vocabulary or grammar class


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Characteristics of Flipchart